Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fatty Fat Fat

Holy crap people, it is time to talk about something important.

I was in my CTA (Company Training Area), and I watched a middle-aged woman pull into the parking lot, walk to the loading dock, and climb six stairs to get to the dining facility entrance. When she got to the top of the stairs, she had to stop to catch her breath. After six stairs. That was a day or two ago, and I haven't been able to let it go. I am having some emotional trauma because of that fat lady. What the hell is happening in our country?

I read an article in the Army Times that says if we were to have a draft, like for World War III, 60% of our fighting age young men would be too obese to enter the basic training program. What does that say about us as a country? What does that say about the parents in America? Has it become insurmountably difficult to make our kids get out of the house and play some sports? I didn't play any sports in high school, but I had a job that kept me in shape. Do kids not have jobs? Does nothing motivate us as Americans to better ourselves?

I guess in today's "gimme, gimme, GIMME!" society, the concept of earning our place in the world by the sweat of our brow has fallen by the wayside. Thank God for the technology that makes us a world power. If we didn't have that, our obese country would be overrun in months.

There. I said it. America is fat. And so's your FACE.

1 comment:

  1. Um excuse me, when the heck are you going to blog again? Come on, get with it!
