Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I know it's a little late to be posting a blog on New Year's Resolutions, but I didn't really know what blogging WAS until last week or so. I have an excuse.

Let me start out by saying that the whole tradition of even HAVING new years resolutions can be pretty depressing:

STEP 1: Evaluate all resolutions from last year

STEP 2: Realize that I have fulfilled about 10% of them (on a good year)

STEP 3: Identify all the things I don't like about myself

STEP 4: Resolve to change them by the end of next year

Last year was a good year. I had one resolution, and nailed it. I resolved to make it home to my family. Not bad. THIS year, I'm raising the bar a bit. I resolved to:

1) Quit smoking
2) Be a better husband and father
3) Learn how to play guitar

That doesn't seem like much, but let's take this into consideration... I have been smoking for about four years. While in Afghanistan, I would sometimes smoke like two packs a day! That is a powerful habit to kick. My second resolution is more important to me than the first one. I feel like I suck as a hubby and daddy. I'm never home, always grumpy when I AM home, and spend a lot of time alone, not playing with my kids or being with my wife.

I put down "learn how to play guitar" because I don't know how... and I want to.

I'll try and update my status on this blog from time to time. Maybe I'll be better at it if I'm accountable to someone.

My resolutions for this year are many-fold.


  1. I don't know how to make a sub-blog, but that was my intent. It has been fifteen days since I quit smoking, and I'm still going strong. And I think I'm doing better as a family man too. No progress on the guitar. Step one, buy guitar... Step two, learn. No money for step one.

  2. heehee..."many-fold"

    Good job on quitting smoking. It's gross. And the good dad/hubby part is good too!
